Monday, May 5, 2008

Media Influences

Last night while watching my local news they did a segment on saving money. Now, I understand that with gas prices rising, food prices rising due to higher gas prices, and no one's wages rising... we're all feeling a bit of a squeeze. That is undeniable.

However, we cannot say that this is a recession. The economy GREW last quarter... slow growth, small growth... but still growth. A recession is defined as two quarters of stagnant or shrinking growth. Read any economics textbook you like... that friends, is the definition.

Personally... the fact that there was any growth makes me feel optimistic about the economy. I think we're likely to turn this thing on it's heels. But... that's not the point of this post...

The point is that in that special on saving money... they discussed clipping coupons, going to the store with a list, trying store brand items, looking at eating out less. And I thought... does that mean that most people are not already doing these things? I mean, most of the people that I know already do this.

Or... how about instead of buying $350.00 shoes for a boost you buy a $25.00 designer lipstick? Good advice for some, but if, like me, you buy Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer--umm, that's not a savings. It's an additional expense.

So... how out of touch am I? And, I know, chances are good if you read this... you're just as out of touch as I am...

Be Blessed!



Unknown said...

yep, i am also out of touch. If the media doesn't watch it they will cause a recession.
This happens every time we have a hostile election, i mean a really heated race, and once the election is over things right themselves again.
So I just keep doing what i do. This time with 1 exception, I plan to set up an additional savings account, cuz i feel we do not save enough right now. However this has been on my mind for a couple years, I just now am comfortable enough in my job to act on it!

Sheree said...

I am as out of touch as you are LOL! I can't even imagine spending $25 on a tube of lipstick and with $350 I could probably clothe and shoe all 5 of my younguns....I just can't even imagine! LOL.

I think people are just panicky and scared....but the ones who are hurting and worrying the most, IMO, are the people who didn't plan well for price hikes and have nothing to fall back on.

Most folks I know are clipping coupons, shopping sales, etc. already.

Vintage Chicken said...

I'm another coupon clipping mamma that watches my pennies - and - LOVES Burt's lip balms! LOL

I am proud to be out of touch and in the company of others that are too!

Michelle said...

Another one who's out of touch! And you know what, I'm proud to be out of touch!
