Monday, May 12, 2008

Faith is...

Starting a garden in South Dakota on Mother's Day...

It was chilly and cold, but that's what my family does on Mother's's tradition! And, somehow most of the plants survive the experience. In a cold state... ie, right now we're looking at a high around 60+... planting before June is an act of faith.

It says... I believe. I believe that tarps, and buckets can enable tomatos and peppers to survive 34 degree temperatures. I believe that good intentions will outweigh bad weather.

Faith is also letting your teenager drive ... but signing them up for the Driver'sEdge course coming to Sioux Falls because why learn what a skid is like by landing in the ditch or snowbank?

Faith does require putting feet to your faith. Working for what you want and believe in. So, I'll keep covering my plants, signing teens up for driving classes... and having faith that all will be well.

Be Blessed!


Unknown said...

Paul was right when he said Faith with out works is dead.
Faith doesn't equal inaction, it is taking action when the out come is so unsure!
Thanks for the reminder Grace!

Sheree said...

Oh grace! I am with you on the faith..Chris is ready to drive too...he brought us the sign up sheet for drivers education just last week!! Its scary, isn't it? But faith will get us thru!! And I haven't even started our garden yet. Its been too cold here for me to do it..but I need to LOL.

Sornie said...

The weather hasn't been much better here in the Twin Cities. I just want a week of 70 degree temps.