Monday, April 14, 2008

Journey to Wellness!

I am here to rave about a fabulous new cookbook! This thing is amazing. Gourmet Nutrition-- it's filled with good healthy recipes. So far every recipe I've tried from it rocks! I'm happy with them, the teenagers like them, and so does dh! I've made the stuffed zucchini, and the garlic spicy shrimp.

I have lost about 18lbs since the start of the year. I'm able to run a mile without stopping. A whole mile! And, I'm actively doing some weight training with dumbbells.

My next goals... by 7/4/08 I will be running 2 miles without stopping!! And, I hope to lose another 18 lbs between then and now... but we'll see what happens. I'm also continuing my work on eating right...

I feel very blessed! And I am... I'm already in better shape at 40 than I was at 39. Progress! I'm also doing a great bible study... Calm My Anxious Heart... lots of fun... and good information.

Be blessed!


Sheree said...

Its sooo good to see you blogging!!
Congrats on losing 18lbs. and for running that mile!

Moni said...

Been praying for you!!! So glad you posted as you have been on my mind.

Wow! A mile without stopping. I'm quite proud and 18 pounds is wonderful. You are providing inspiration, but then again, you have many times for me.

I'll check out the cookbook!


Moni said...

Whoa...I just looked up the cookbook. It's really worth the price. I have scads of cookbooks (some I helped produce! LOL) but $40 bucks plus shipping. You're killing me! Ok, I can afford it, I just wanted to complain!

Unknown said...

Nice to "see" you Grace! I was worried!
Congrats on the great results!

Mamame said...

SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace - Don't EVER do that again! We were worried about you!!

Congratulations on the weight loss and the distance in running! That's fantastic! I don't know if you know that there's a program called "Couch to 5K" where it gets you ready to do a 5K run. I've been wanting to do it - but honestly, I have no motivation and am too lazy at this point. :)

Again Grace, I'm so glad you're OK. I was thinking of you and your daughter last night when I was watching my daughter and our dance leader choreographing a song for our "Mini DOZ" camp this summer. :) I know we share the love of that ministry and I just thought of you as I watched.

Anonymous said...

welcome back to blogging sister

Donna B said...

I am so glad to see you again. I was worried! I look forward to chatting with you soon.

Also, congrats on the weight loss and fitness improvements. It is such a great accomplishment!