Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, Monday!!

Woo boy! I am so glad that the Lord in His wisdom only put one Monday in a week. Not so much for me... my day is good, but poor dd!! I was dropping her off at school and her binder fell out of her messenger bag... paper everywhere!! I turned on the hazards and helped her scoop everything up, but I still think some papers escaped us. Hope she doesn't need 'em!!

Today's Parade of Adventures:

1. Laundry- In progress (it's always in progress--I have the perpetual laundry machine, if anyone's interested!)
2. Work out- Done! I did my 25 minutes of HIIT cardio on the e-bike. I hate the thing, the part that sits on the seat keeps falling asleep! Still... it does need to be done. Then I killed my lowerbody with squats, plie squats, leg lifts, deadlifts, hamstring curls, and finally, calf raises...
3. Dishes, sweep... general household maintenance
4. Prepare for class
5. Pick up kids
6. Make supper- Spaghetti Squash spaghetti for me, the rest of the family gets the noodles but the sauce is from Gourmet Nutrition, with turkey italian sausage because now I'm improvising...

Be afraid people!!

and Be Blessed!



Unknown said...

Grace you list of adventures sounds almost like mine.
However instead of perpetual laundry, I have perpetual dishes!

Unknown said...

It is now Thursday Thursday, I hope your legs are feeling better!