Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fitness Challenge!

Well, well my friends. I am not the skinny person I once was (hah!) but in my quest to become less plump, I am enlisting the help of ds 14. Ds played football last year but this year has become hooked on debate and oratory. Great for the mind!! Less physical for the body though.

I noticed he was putting on a few pounds... and so, I have a running partner! I probably actually ran a bit today for the first time in forever. We got up at 5:30 a.m. and stumbled outside. How far did we go? A whole MILE!! LOL!!

And I didn't even run the whole way... here's the thing... it didn't happen overnight, so I'm not gonna be fixed overnight...

Lovely huh!?

Anyway... the challenge continues... still doing the devotions... just not blogging them!

How are you and yours?

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