Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pumpkin Stakes Tournament!

Ah... fall! Crisp days, crisp leaves, the plethora of autumn harvest gourds available and the sight of high school students dressed in competition wear. Yep, suits and ties. The debate season is upon us again.

I'm caught up in remembering my own former glory days. It doesn't seem that long ago, really!? And yet, it's been approximately 15 years. Now, I can see the look of happiness and joy on my son's face. He's in debate.

A parent always wants to leave a legacy. Always wants their children to carry on in their place, right? At least a little bit!! So this morning, I stepped into my father's shoes... I got up at 4:30 a.m. and got my son up so he could be ready to catch the bus. He got up and headed for the shower. I heated oil for hashbrowns.

This is how he looked after breakfast... and before the competition.

So, I confess, I thought about him off and on... wished him well. Prayed for his safety on the trip, and also prayed for his ability to speak clearly and concisely. Then, I frankly, went about my day.

At 6:30 p.m. tonight... this is how he looked...

Yep... that mug says, Superior Discussion! And the pumpkin is a festive autumn harvest trophy of his success also. That does mean, he got PERFECT SCORES ... just in case anyone missed that...

PERFECT SCORES in each round of the four he competed in. He's been bitten by the bug and bad. Of course, of the things your son could obsess over-- debate and individual speaking events, aren't really too bad, are they?

Best of all, part of the reason he got PERFECT SCORES is because he invited other students who were nervous and afraid to get involved in the conversation. He won by being nice. Now, nice may not be enough to win rounds from my recollection, but mean is enough to lose them.

I'm so proud of him!

May the Lord be with you!


maggie said...

Good for him! Mom's bragging is quite justified! Enjoyed reading your blog, too.

Jasmine's Journey said...

That is great!