Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why Not Wednesday!

So yesterday I looked at the way many of us, myself included, get in the habit of saying "No" to our dh's. That creates a problem... and saying yes, not just to sex, but to other things builds an environment where he feels respected and admired. How about with our kids?

Indeed, it is all too easy to say no. It's quick and fast, but also leaves them hitting their heads against a brick wall. Especially in the teenage years, NO seems like a dare, or a challenge for some of them to try to get around.

Picture this scenario: "Mom, can I go to the mall? " "NO. You haven't cleaned your room." Does this seem likely to encourage the teen to clean their room?

On the reverse: "Mom, can I go to the mall?" "Yes, as soon as your room is clean."

Which of the two seems more likely to engage the child on our side? So... I'm making an effort to find ways to say Yes, even to my kiddos. Yes is a much better word than No. I'm not saying there aren't times to say No, what I am saying is... Why not say Yes as much as possible. We don't want to provoke our kids to wrath and using Yes more often will help us with that.

Okay... that's today's ramble. Now I'm off to take dd to orchestra, and then to take ds to the dentist. Hope everyone has a blessed day!

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