Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thankful Thursday!

Today I am thankful for:

Good friends who offer support advice, and encouragement when dealing with teens and life in general.

Prairie Homemaker ... change is challenging, but stagnation is death. We cannot, as C.S. Lewis says, go on indefinitely just being good eggs, we must hatch... and that means growth and change. Never easy... but always worth it.

My current favorite motivational quote says: There will come a day when I will wake up and I will not be able to do this, but TODAY is not that day. Thank God!! I can get up run, type, work, do the laundry, etc. Today is not that day.

My darling husband, who provides for our family, both in spiritual and physical ways.

My kiddos... challenging and growing in belief. Sure, it is hard to deal with at times, but... it means that they are working out their own salvation with fear and trembling.

Have a blessed day!

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