Monday, August 18, 2008

An Update (Of Sorts)

Lately there are two passages of scripture that I am being drawn to, again and again. The first is Paul's letter to the Colossians. I am slowly studying it very extensively. I'm also being drawn to Psalm 91.

Those of you who are aware and praying for my nephew Josiah, the latest news is this. The doctors in Omaha agree that the colon polyp condition he has right now is not cancer. However, he is bleeding so much from the colon that he is anemic, and this will become cancer if allowed to go untreated. He is on two iron pills a day and that is giving his body the ability to keep up with the blood loss. Praise God!!

There are additional tests to be run, however, those can't be run until September because the specialist is on vacation. Josiah's and his family's faith is strong. They will need to either remove each individual polyp, or go in and remove a part of his colon at this point. So...again, if you'd continue to pray for Josiah... that would be most kind.

In other news, my Mom has moved to a new facility... it is in the town she lived in for so many years so in a lot of ways I am confident that she is quite content and comfortable. She is, of course, not happy to not be back at her home... but she is not capable of being alone for 10-12 hours a day. This is the best solution.

We're working on getting her some things that we think she might enjoy, a t.v., a plug and play Ms. Pacman, low salt roasted cashews, diet Coke, and of course, my father's flag. My siblings are a bit difficult. Then again, they always have been. Prayers for wisdom etc., are definitely needed. Mom's not dead yet... now isn't the time to divide up the spoils. *sigh* In fairness, only two of my siblings are all about that!!

Otherwise... the kids head back to school today... and my life frees up!! So... look for me on chat!! I'll prolly be there later on this afternoon.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It has been so nice chatting with you Grace.
Prayers for you and your family.