Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday!

I am so thankful... overwhelmingly thankful for what God has given me. This morning I started thinking about how Jesus said we need to become like children again in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. I know there are many things we need to train our children to do, many ways in which the heart of a child is foolish... but the fact is, that Jesus said that the kingdom of Heaven is made of such as these.

I remember when my ds and dd were younger. We wore out 2 copies of "Goodnight, Moon". I'd finish it and they'd cry, "Again"! We'd go to the park, they'd swing and cry, "Again"! Any activity or thing that they saw... was immediately, "Again". They couldn't get enough of it.

Perhaps part of that enthusiasm is what we're exhorted to recapture by Jesus. I can almost picture God causing the sun to rise and set... and thinking "Again". His mercies are new every morning... and we need to appreciate that. We should be waking up and thinking, "Again!"

So... today, I'm thankful because:

1. His mercies ARE new today... Again!
2. I have the best husband in the world... Again!
3. I can run! Again!
4. I saw the sunrise. Again!
5. My children are growing as they should... Again!

For all those blessings... Lord, give me the heart of a child to appreciate and remember them even as they are repeated time and again.

Be Blessed!

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