Sunday, June 15, 2008

Driver's Edge!

This is another huge rave. In driver's education our children learn how to drive to pass the test. This, however, does not teach them how to really drive.

This past weekend, my son, Alex was privileged to take advantage of a wonderful program put on as a charitable event. The instructors are professional drivers-- some from Nascar, and Indy, others who teach professional driving. Needless to say... they know their stuff.

Alex was taught how to steer through a skid, how to do a high speed lane change, how to use panic braking... etc.

If you have the opportunity... I cannot recommend this course highly enough. Yes, the men use some salty language... but the knowledge is unbeatable.

Oh... and Alex won a trophy for most improved in steering through a skid! I am so proud of him... and as a Mom, pleased that he's learned how before the roads are icy and without winding up in the ditch.

Thanks to Driver's Edge, who puts the program on for FREE!!

Be Blessed!


Unknown said...

Sounds awesome Grace!
I bet he had a blast too!

Sheree said...

We are waiting for this to come to our area, especially since Ds and I both need to learn how to drive in the snow and in other instances as well. I have heard that it is an excellent program and well worth the time and money!