Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Company One Keeps...

Lately, I've been giving a lot of thought to this topic. Earlier in the year, I was asked to step back from some of my associations so as to devote more time to family life, and less time to online issues. Online friendships are real, though, and when you stop being there... you miss a lot.

I again apologize to everyone who worried, and prayed for me during that time. I certainly should have had the good sense to just explain I needed a sabbatical, and why. I have received the okay to re-join the company, both from those who requested I step back, and from the company itself.

I am posting this because I know that there are those who have bad feelings toward the company, and who may want to change their association with me based on that knowledge. I'm going to be honest and upfront here with everyone.

I truly love the company. It is one that has blessed much of my life. I've learned tremendously from the women there. Is it perfect? No. It's on a fallen earth... but it is a company that I intend to keep.

Be Blessed!


Sheree said...

Grace, I have absolutely no problem with the company you keep or the fact that you are returning to the company. I will always stand by everything I said because it is the truth, but I only bear hard feelings towards a few people there and still have many friends there and will continue with all my friendships regardless of whether they go there or not, kwim? I consider you a friend and will continue to do so and your other friends do not have any bearing on that.

Unknown said...

Nice to have you back Grace.
You have been missed by many.

Moni said...

We welcome you back with open arms and filled hearts.

Mamame said...

Grace - I'm just so happy that you are OK because we were really worried but I so understand why you left. We're thrilled to see you back and look forward to great times again. :)

Molly said...

Grace... we all have free-will to be who we want to be. Who you are friends with have no bearing on our friendship! (Okay, if you were friends with murderers or drug-dealers, but that is a given! LOL)

I just hope you don't leave my board! :-)
