Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day. So much that I want to get done and accomplished.

It's times like these that I have to be watchful and wary. It's so easy to say, oh well, I'll do my devotion later in the day... and then that particular time never arrives. I'm learning a bit about my spiritual muscles as I learned last year about my physical self. I am the sort of person who really shouldn't put these most important things off.

I used to put off exercise until later in the day and would make the excuse that there just isn't time. There was time, though. I just hadn't made using it for exercise a priority. Now, I'm not saying that to beat up on anyone... I'm saying it because I now recognize it as a truth for myself.

I realize that what I did with exercise I've done with my time with Him. I've said that I have no time. When, in reality, I haven't used the time for and with Him. A simple change of focus, and suddenly... it's easier.

I'd rather spend time exercising, and sitting at His feet instead of watching another mindless show, or something else. It really reminds me of the story where a professor is discussing time management with students. He takes a jar and fills it with sand then tries to put larger rocks in and everything doesn't fit. However, when he puts the rocks in first, the sand fills in around the rocks and everything fits.

So... what are your rocks? What things are so important that you'll fill your jar of time with? For me, those rocks are God, exercise, work, family, church. Although, not necessarily in exactly that order. The sand... is important too. But if the rocks are first... the sand will fit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very insightful Miss Grace.
Thank you for this.