Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Boost!

It's exciting sometimes when new ideas whose time have come arrive at a place of fruition. We've 3 churches of our denomination in the area none of which have large youth groups, and it is exciting because we've agreed to come together and create a joint youth group.

It was impressive to see that there is a recognition of the ability to provide more than mere monetary support-- and on the part of our small struggling congregation that means the world. It will be interesting to see this all play out.

I am excited, and thrilled to see the youth ministry invigorated in this way. I think it will be tremendously beneficial to us all. Huzzah! and Praise God, for those willing to listen even when He calls us to doing things in ways that it hasn't been done before.


Ella said...

Merry Christmas Grace ! Wishing you and your family and overflow of God's Love, Peace and Mercy !

Hugs, Ella

Epicfailoftdiness said...

Hi! Love your blog ! :) Good to see you going on with your life... :)