Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bad Blogger, Bad!

Has it really been that long? Yes, it has. Why has it been that long? Life.

Teenagers are at the odd age where they don't depend on parents as they do when young children for every small need. However, they do need parents. They need us to check grades on the ParentView, to advocate to the school for changes in classes, to support their decisions to debate or not to debate. In short, they need but in a different way.

The different way teens need, though, should NOT be viewed as any different in time consumption. Trying to work my way through what will be the next lesson in pre-calculus so as to assist my daughter... is as time consuming as potty training (and often less rewarding!).

That said... I love life, and my church. I'm a wee bit concerned for us right now. We're a small congregation holding fast to some pretty steep ideals about the priesthood, and for a church that's still part of TE...well, it's hard to attract members with those similar ideals forsaken by TEC. Yet we sure can't afford a lawsuit to leave, and have a responsibility to our brothers and sisters in the Sudanese congregation.

Where does that leave us? Trusting in God. Listening, Loving and Praying as a great priest said. It's not an easy place... but Psalm 91 tells me we'll be okay. How??? It's a mystery... but His greatest works always are!

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